it's probably high time that i take off my chastity belt. nah, not that kind you would commonly associate it with. i'm referring to unleashing my not-so-chaste thoughts and convert it to bits and bytes or whatever you geek-squads call it, ride across the famous world-wide web...
a very good friend prodded me to create a blog - let's name him 'Vitriolic Hedonist', simply beacause he is one...he has actually made one for me two years ago, and i got as far as opening it once, looked at the screen for what seemed like 30 beats, then signed out.
now, after two years has passed, i am, however, at the moment, so listless and restless and in need to be verbose and just need to vent out some amateurish philosophies on what i see around me. i mean, that's completely okay for me to do that, right? even if they're just moot observations...for instance - blogging.
i have ran across several blog openings, saying the lines that "i don't really care if nobody reads this..." or "i don't care what you people say...", but you know what, i think these people do care if someone reads their ramblings, or post comments.
i also think that despite of all technological designs that would let us humans gain access to people across the globe in milliseconds - chatting over YM's, IM's, MIRC channels, and whatever .com's or .net's there maybe that allows one to feel that there is someone out there who is willing to pound on the computer keys and give superfluous answers to superfluous questions.
it's as if we need to validate our existence with what other people say or feel towards what we say or feel. even if we declare that we don't give a cents' sentiment about it. the fact that we feel bad that somebody has posted a comment on our blogs is whole lot, lot better than getting nothing at all.
see - it's like this, our world is loaded with 8 billion people, but at some point, we are still left with the feeling that we are - alone.
right, Vitriolic Hedonist?

e hënë, 18 qershor 2007
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but if we detest this powercycling loneliness by searching for a wireless soul and connecting to it with a network key--would it give us a 54mbps connection? would it have a good signal strength? would we be able to see the wireless light? or remain a disabled essid?
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