i had this big foamy hazelnut espresso with Vitriolic Hedonist in one of the trendy brew shops. i felt guilty that the price of that 8-oz cup was enough to feed one meal of a family of four. the guilt lasted exactly 5 seconds...
the ever lusty id rationalized that i owed myself little treats every now and then. besides, it was Vitriolic Hedonist who shelled out the pesos for the treat. this pushed the guilt further down by several notches. the drink should have tasted creamy and smooth but instead it was downright watery the photo ad never quite connected how it actually tasted. (the guilt meter fluttered upward slightly. but i stubbornly stomped it at bay...)
settled in custom woven chairs, Vitriolic Hedonist and i started with our ritual - talking.
for us two souls, talking is almost a catharsis; an exorcism of sorts. a waft of cigarette smoke coming out of Vitriolic Hedonist's nostrils provided a screen of hazy fog that just seemed to exemplify the intensity of how Vitriolic Hedonist feels about his day - from the mundane event of not being able to sleep for 36 hours to the squabble and the domestic disagreement of two people who just didn't feel like growing up.
i returned the look with hooded lids, as if to show my empathy to the gravity of the situation. i provided the perfunctory nods and "uhmm's" when our box was invaded by the presence of two other individuals. myopic that i am, i initially thought they were shop servers. a closer look at their Lacoste and Nike shirts proved otherwise. too dandy for shop boys. they turned out to be Vitriolic Hedonist's high-school 'friends' whom he bumped earlier and invited to join us.
they began recalling their high school days as guinea pigs in one of the academic institutions known for its propensity in splitting dew molds and memorizing ALL the properties of elements on the periodic table. yes, this includes the atomic weight and on how these poodickles (this is how i call 'em) spend their free time...
the Nike shirt wearer had his snotted nose up in the air and chided Vitriolic Hedonist for declaring that being smart and graduating college isn't everything. you see, Vitriolic Hedonist was requested by his high school alma mater, the same one who teaches poodickles stuff, to give a brainwashing speech to its roost of young minds. Vitriolic Hedonist, however, being the vitriolic hedonist that he is, chose to alter the brainwashing session to a speech that encouraged independence and 'following your star' kind of thinking. the kind of option that prods you into wondering if it's completely ok not to graduate as long as you're happy and earning a thousand bucks per hour through other people's misery.
this, of course, caused the snot-nosed academicians who mentored the snot-nosed Nike shirt wearer to react most negatively. Vitriolic Hedonist tried to rationalize his 'follow your star' speech. Nike shirt wearer keeps on insisting his own straightjacket views while smoking on a cigarette that costs 1.00Php a puff.
for just a fraction of a second, i imagined them as lab mice - arguing which best route to take in the maze so they can reach the molded cheese...
i had a closer look on Nike shirt wearer and noted the immaculate way he was dressed up. even the messy hair he sported looked artfully messed up. everything was in so in place. i was looking at universal snot - an urban poodickles in the making.
all of a sudden i asked if i can take my leave. he was giving me the creeps.
the ever lusty id rationalized that i owed myself little treats every now and then. besides, it was Vitriolic Hedonist who shelled out the pesos for the treat. this pushed the guilt further down by several notches. the drink should have tasted creamy and smooth but instead it was downright watery the photo ad never quite connected how it actually tasted. (the guilt meter fluttered upward slightly. but i stubbornly stomped it at bay...)
settled in custom woven chairs, Vitriolic Hedonist and i started with our ritual - talking.
for us two souls, talking is almost a catharsis; an exorcism of sorts. a waft of cigarette smoke coming out of Vitriolic Hedonist's nostrils provided a screen of hazy fog that just seemed to exemplify the intensity of how Vitriolic Hedonist feels about his day - from the mundane event of not being able to sleep for 36 hours to the squabble and the domestic disagreement of two people who just didn't feel like growing up.
i returned the look with hooded lids, as if to show my empathy to the gravity of the situation. i provided the perfunctory nods and "uhmm's" when our box was invaded by the presence of two other individuals. myopic that i am, i initially thought they were shop servers. a closer look at their Lacoste and Nike shirts proved otherwise. too dandy for shop boys. they turned out to be Vitriolic Hedonist's high-school 'friends' whom he bumped earlier and invited to join us.
they began recalling their high school days as guinea pigs in one of the academic institutions known for its propensity in splitting dew molds and memorizing ALL the properties of elements on the periodic table. yes, this includes the atomic weight and on how these poodickles (this is how i call 'em) spend their free time...
the Nike shirt wearer had his snotted nose up in the air and chided Vitriolic Hedonist for declaring that being smart and graduating college isn't everything. you see, Vitriolic Hedonist was requested by his high school alma mater, the same one who teaches poodickles stuff, to give a brainwashing speech to its roost of young minds. Vitriolic Hedonist, however, being the vitriolic hedonist that he is, chose to alter the brainwashing session to a speech that encouraged independence and 'following your star' kind of thinking. the kind of option that prods you into wondering if it's completely ok not to graduate as long as you're happy and earning a thousand bucks per hour through other people's misery.
this, of course, caused the snot-nosed academicians who mentored the snot-nosed Nike shirt wearer to react most negatively. Vitriolic Hedonist tried to rationalize his 'follow your star' speech. Nike shirt wearer keeps on insisting his own straightjacket views while smoking on a cigarette that costs 1.00Php a puff.
for just a fraction of a second, i imagined them as lab mice - arguing which best route to take in the maze so they can reach the molded cheese...
i had a closer look on Nike shirt wearer and noted the immaculate way he was dressed up. even the messy hair he sported looked artfully messed up. everything was in so in place. i was looking at universal snot - an urban poodickles in the making.
all of a sudden i asked if i can take my leave. he was giving me the creeps.
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